Posted on: 5 Jun 22

Behind-the-scenes of our game art!

Today we thought it would be fun to share some behind-the-scenes info about the art and animation for our cathartic feminist punk AR game to give you a better insight into how the gameplay works! 👀

In our first level, the player character walks down the street and gets catcalled. We communicate this in augmented reality by placing stylised 3D street props in the real world around the player that three different types of catcalls spawn from, which we nicknamed angry (green), slobbery (blue) and kissy (red)—their animation, movement and sound defined by that characteristic. Kissy are especially hard to screenshot because they move mad! Those rain-like droplets you see are from the slobbery ones...

The AR catcall types

The street props vary each time you play, and depending on your play space, but are in three groups—residential, traffic and city centre—that players progress through. When it came to making our city centre billboard props we were inspired by this classic sunglasses scene in They Live where Roddy Piper's character is able to see the subliminal meaning in adverts.

Here's a couple we made showing our interpretation of the subliminal gender messages being communicated to women, girls and diverse genders through advertising; on the left is how they appear in the game, on the right in the game engine, which unlike other 3D games is without a surrounding environment because that's provided by your real-world environment when it gets pulled in.

Subliminal AR billboards

In the Unsolicited 🍆 Pix level, the player character is now in an office inside the skyscraper that you're climbing to reach the glass ceiling. This time the 🍆 pix, in the form of phallic foods, spawn from office props. There's a typing animation to warn of their imminent arrival before they pop up in the air. You then have time to machete them before they hit the floor and turn into a pixelated polaroid, which causes a loss of sanity in the health bar. If you lose all your sanity, you get a 'Driven Insane' gameover and must restart the level. Putting together this obscene food collage for you raised a chuckle for us. I mean, look at them—it never gets old. 😂

Unsolicited Pix AR art

We've also recently had some fun adding office posters, passive aggressive post-its and flipcharts to the scene as office props for them to spawn from.

We hope you've enjoyed and laughed along with us in this peek behind-the-scenes of our game art process. 😊

We have a current game art competition with a £50 cash prize and chance to see your art in the game, all info available here:

If you like what we're making, please consider backing our Kickstarter campaign and sharing it with your friends! Thank you!